Tankstelle Abstand
BAU-Forum: Normen, Vorschriften, Verordnungen etc.

Tankstelle Abstand

Dear Mr. ,

Firstly I want to appologise, that I am writting in english. But this ist way more confortable for me due to my Lack of German language skills. So I am a master degree Student and my thesis ist about requirements for the petrol stations. I want to use Germany as the example, where the safety distances and requirements are the wisest. I have found the needed safety distances from the in the norms called trfb 20 and trbf 40 in respect to tanks and petrol stations. But are there any German safety norms, which describe the needed safety distances from the petrol station to the residential buildings, to other purpose buildings? Because I cant find them. May You explain me the German Situation in this matter? Because I know, that there are a petrol stations in the ground floor of the multistorey buildings and so on, which ist not allowed in my country. So I want to take German norms as an good example. And I cant find the norms which define these safety distances from the petrol station.

Thank You for Your answers!

  • Name:
  • Mantas
  1. " ... in my country"

    Foto von Prof. Dr. Gerhard Partsch

    Sorry that I know nothing about safety distances to petrol stations but from which country you are?
    • Name:
    • GP
  2. Sorry, that I didnt mentioned it ...

    ... earlier. I am from Lithuania (Litauen). Maybe there are a person who ist familiar with such a norms and distances. Because I have lost lots of time and still have no results ...
    • Name:
    • Mantas
  3. to my knowledge

    there are no strict constraints regarding distances between gas stations and residential buildings. Even in so called "purely residential areas" gas stations are allowed as an exception. Nevertheless many gas stations have been reinstalled outside of residential areas since 1994, when the "Tankstellenverordnung" stipulated vapour recovery and impermeable pavement. The costs of modification rendered many smaller gas stations uneconomic.

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